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Environment • People • Responsibility • Values

Our company takes its environmental and social responsibility very seriously. We work hard to ensure that our business model is sustainable and meets the environmental as well as social challenges of our time. We commit ourselves to environmental protection and actively promote education and social justice.

Our sustainability goals


100 % electricity from renewable sources

By 2030 at the latest, we will cover our entire electricity consumption with renewable energies. In 2023 it was 73 %.

Reduction of paper waste to 25 %

Careful use of resources is important for climate protection. That is why our goal is to reduce our paper waste to a maximum of 25 % by 2030. In 2023, this figure was 28 % across the Group.

> 95 % sustainably sourced paper

By 2030, we will ensure that more than 95 % of our paper is produced in a certified sustainable manner. In 2023, the proportion of sustainably produced paper was 83 %.

Reduction of emissions*

By 2030, we will reduce our energy requirements and emissions from operational activities by 42 % to 3,692 tCO2e (Scope 1 + 2).

*In line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

25 % reduction of Scope 3 emissions

In 2022, CO2 emissions of 86,283 tonnes were generated primarily through the purchase of paper and the transport of raw materials and goods. Our Scope 3 target is to reduce this figure by 25 % to 64,712 tCO2e until 2030.

Employee retention

In 2023, only 9.6 % of our employees opted for a voluntary change, compared to an industry average of 15 %. We want to improve this level even further by continuing to offer our employees an attractive long-term working environment.

Occupational safety

Our aim is to further improve the occupational safety of our employees and thus ensure a safe and healthy working environment in which no work-related accidents occur.

Sustainably certified products

The sustainable treatment of our environment is one of the central focuses of our mission. That is why we’re offering more papers and products that are certified in accordance with the high standards of PEFC or FSC seals. This ensures that our papers come from sustainably managed forests that meet strict ecological, social and economic criteria. These certifications are carried out by independent, non-governmental organisations. Because our customers are as important to us as nature, they receive these certified products at no extra charge.

Pressure with financial climate contribution

If customers choose recycled paper for their favourite projects, we invest in certified climate protection projects for them free of charge.

Onlineprinters’ ESG report

Being one of Europe’s largest online print shops, we grasp the importance of sustainable corporate governance. We take great pains to keep the environmental impact as low as possible and to do justice to social responsibility. In our ESG report, you will find out more about our goals and our progress in the field of ESG.


Commitment for more sustainability

Our ESG policy

We are convinced that holistic principles for the environment, social commitment and corporate governance (ESG) are fundamental to the success of a company – they form the basis for sustainable business management and action. This is why we have defined a uniform policy for the Onlineprinters Group, which is a binding framework of all our activities.

Diversity and commitment



We know that diversity is a true asset to our company. The Onlineprinters Group employs 1,700 people from 55 nations who are as diverse as our international customers entrusting us with their print projects. We are against any kind of discrimination. To us, this means fair and responsible interaction coupled with equality, inclusion and integration at the workplace. We help every individual fulfil their potential and at the same time get stronger together.


We are not only aware of our corporate responsibility for the well-being of our staff. Being significant employers in six European countries, we also have responsibility towards the society. For this reason, we support local schools, educational and cultural institutions, associations and initiatives. We also sponsor local sports clubs in Germany, the UK and Denmark. Because we believe in a big impact of small steps. #oneteam

Policies and commitment

Employee Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The group-wide Code of Conduct offers guidelines for proper behaviour in everyday business. An important part of it is a whistleblower system.
Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

The companies within the Onlineprinters Group undertake to comply with high environmental, social, civic and legal principles – and we expect our suppliers to do the same. The Supplier Code of Conduct is the framework that defines these expectations and that is binding on all suppliers.

Our certification


Climate Partner

For all products on recycled paper, we provide a financial contribution to climate protection projects via ClimatePartner – and that automatically and without any additional cost for the customers. With this joint initiative, we actively support such projects as the energy transition in Africa or do our bit for the protection of our forests.


For several years now, we have been certified with the French Imprim’Vert eco-label. The label is internationally recognised and demonstrates our compliance with the strict CSR criteria. Among other things, this includes proper disposal of waste or safe storage of liquids. We undergo regular audits.


With Interzero we share a common vision of a world without waste. We do our bit by returning paper residues and other waste products to the value cycle and by recycling these wherever possible.


We buy more than 50,000 tonnes of paper per year. However, with forests being the basis of life for humans and animals, we want to do all we can to preserve them for future generations. For this reason, we purchase our paper exclusively from sustainable forestry. This, for instance, is ensured by the FSC label.


PEFC is another international forest certification system. The label ensures sustainable forest management subject to regular improvement. More and more of our products come with the PEFC seal.

Nordic Swan

The governments of Scandinavian countries award the Nordic Swan eco-label after the audits related to environmental protection and product quality. LaserTryk – our brand in Denmark – succeeded in obtaining this label, which emphasises its contribution to a cleaner world and healthier working environment.

CO2 Compensation printed matter

CO2-compensated printed matter allows the customers to offset the carbon emissions of their print products. Projects aimed at climate protection and improvement of life quality all over the world are supported via a small extra charge. We cooperate with ClimateCare to achieve this.


EcoVadis evaluates sustainability performance of enterprises around the globe. In doing so, it rates the degree of integration of CSR criteria into the business and management system.

Carbon-neutral online shop

Servers, network equipment and air conditioning systems consume energy and produce carbon emissions. Together with our shop system partner WEBSALE and the climate protection specialist ClimatePartner we make sure that all online shops are operated in a carbon-neutral way.

Certified energy management

In 2016, we introduced an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001. Since then, our energy management team has made sure that all the required processes are complied with and see to a continuous improvement of our energy efficiency. The introduction of 100 % green electricity is a good example here.

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