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Please refer to the "Artwork information" section of the individual product pages for important information to be considered when creating your artwork. You can also download product-specific print templates.


What is the difference between file format and trimmed size?

Data format

The data format specifies the dimensions which are relevant for creating the artwork. The bleed of 2 mm on all sides (if not specified otherwise) is already included in the size indication.

Brochure layout with world map, office image, and bar chart.

Artwork of a flyer created in data format


Trimmed size

The trimmed size indicates the dimensions of the printed product after trimming. The bleed is not included in the size specification.

A distinction is made between open and closed trimmed size:

  • Open trimmed size: Size of the print product when it is completely opened
  • Closed trimmed size: Size of the folded and closed print product
Printed flyer in open trimmed size

Printed flyer in open trimmed size

Printed flyer in closed trimmed size

Printed flyer in closed trimmed size

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