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Hands gently holding a small green seedling in soil.

Environmental protection

Consistent environmental protection and sustainable actions are some of the major concerns of our company. We are firmly convinced that practicing climate protection consistently on a daily basis is the only way to do justice to our common responsibility for the generations to come. It is, therefore, our declared goal to devise all company processes as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible. We have come a long way. Not only do we have 30 years of experience in printing, but also in the sustainable design of our production. But, considering that environmental protection is a process of continuous optimisation, there is always something to improve. 

Pleased to see that you are interested in our company's endeavours in climate protection, we would like to give you an overview on the following pages: from the procurement of our supplies to ordering, to the option of carbon neutral production, to the carbon-neutral shipping of your individual print products.

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